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Visions True
Geo Cameron 

Digital download

49 minutes

A ten track album of songs and music - a fusion of electronic and traditional sounds inspired by Celtic Shamanism and new age spirituality.



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Amhran album cover

Geo Cameron 


58 minutes

Chant to The Mother, Father, anAmhran by Geo Cameron
00:00 / 00:57
BellAmhran by Geo Cameron
00:00 / 00:59
DrummingAmhran by Geo Cameron
00:00 / 00:58
Pipes and DrumsAmhran by Geo Cameron
00:00 / 00:59

Geo's first recording contains the haunting and beautiful Chant to The Mother, Father and Creator, performed in Old Scottish Gaelic, a clear, singing bowl journey entitled Bell, a standard drumming journey, and a stirring journey with bagpipe and drums.


Currently only available on cassette to US Customers from The Shamanic Music Store for $12.50 (US shipping included).


Watch this space for information on how to purchase in the UK soon.

Geo Cameron 

Digital download

71 minutes

Arrangements of old Gaelic chant, overtone chanting and bagpipe drone and drum for meditation and the spirit journey.


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Also available to US Customers in CD format from The Shamanic Music Store for $18.50.

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